C Initialization Designators
I have been working on a C parser over the last few days, and because of this I have been reading the section of C99 relating to syntax much more carefully than I have in the past. In particular, ยง6.7.8 Initialization had a construct I had never seen before.
{ initializer-list }
{ initializer-list , }
designation_opt initializer
initializer-list , designation_opt initializer
designator-list =
designator-list designator
[ constant-expression ]
. identifier
It starts very conventionally. If we are initializing a scalar (or copying an aggregate or union), we use an assignment expression. This is the familiar
int x = 5;
struct aggregate_t s = some_function_returning_aggregate();
We can have a list of initializers enclosed in braces. This is the well known construct for initializing arrays:
int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
We can initialize based on the members of a structure (this was added in C99, so anyone using compilers that are based on 25+ year old standards won't have this):
struct {
int x;
int y;
} point = { .x=4, .y=7 };
This is all basic stuff, that I see in common use. What caught my eye, largely
because I couldn't see how the EBNF translated to C syntax, was the concept of
designator-lists and the [ constant-expression ]
form of designators. This
lets us initialize particular elements of an array, and do precise initialization
of nested aggregates.
int arr[4] = { [0]=0*0, [2]=2*2 }
struct {
struct Point points[4];
struct Point otherPoints[4];
} s = { .point[2].x=3, .otherPoints[3].y=1 };
Since this could leave a minefield of partially initialized structures, it is easy to understand why the are so infrequently used. I am not sure I have ever seen this syntax in a codebase, and I have certainly never seen it in teaching materials. It also wasn't carried over into C++, so it could prevent a program from being compiled by both C and C++ compilers. Nevertheless, if you want to pick up on interesting (and potentially useful) language features, reading the standard (or your compiler's manual) is invaluable.